
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Yummy Foods That Can Cause Acne

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Besides a good skin care routine, your skin deserves a good amount of hydration and nutrients from the food you eat. If you are experiencing acne breakouts, it could be caused by a lot of factors like using the wrong products, or it's simply just eating the wrong kinds of food. Avoiding these acne causing foods will not only benefit your skin, but also the rest of your body.

Your skin has thousands of pores. These pores serve as your body's exhaust and absorbing channels. Anything your body acquires and secretes will be through your pores. Acne is the effect of an allergic reaction caused by your pore's secretion or what it has absorbed. Stress, lack of sleep, and hormonal imbalance can also trigger your acne from popping out.

In general, the foods that are best seen to cause acne are oily and fatty foods. If you have oily skin, eating fried foods too often can cause your acne to pop out every time. Another thing can be all about hormonal imbalance. Fluctuating hormones can be worsened by foods that contain caffeine, and dairy products. Lastly, is by eating processed foods. Processed foods can bring a lot of disadvantages to the body, and acne is just a part of it.

Foot Fitness Tips: A Simple Point and Flex Exercise for Healthy, Pain-Free Feet

Are you walking with sore feet? Running with weak ankles? Dancing with tired toes? Cycling with stiff calves? Find yourself stuck all day sitting behind a desk with knee or back pain? Discover easy ways to start alleviating all these little aches and pains with a few quick and easy foot-care stretching and strengthening exercises.

The different ways we use, or misuse, our feet can create annoying foot and ankle problems and be a contributing factor other aches, pains, and injuries. If you're dealing with an acute injury, be sure to get things checked out and consult with your doctor, and orthopedic specialist, or podiatrist as a precaution before you do anything.

If you've been cleared to exercise, it may be time to find new strategies and solutions to keep you healthy and keep your poor tired, achy feet out of trouble. Perhaps it may be time to pay a little more attention to your ankles, arches and toes on a regular basis during your workouts. With even a short 5-10 minutes of dedicated foot fitness training there is a lot you can do to start helping your feet feel better.

Tendons, ligaments, fascia, muscle and bone are all connected. This network of support for our structure has to be in balance for us to enjoy healthy, pain-free movement. Ligaments connect bone to bone, tendons connect muscle to bone, fascia is the supportive matrix for muscle and muscles move bones.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

10 Foods That Prevent Acne: How To Prevent Acne

In everyone's life at least once we have experienced a breakout or unexpected acne blemish. We then try to discover the root causes of acne and ways to prevent it. We understand the foods that cause acne and more specifically the foods that can help fight/prevent it. By incorporating some of these foods in our die we increase the odds of warding off acne. In this article we discuss 10 common foods that can be used to prevent acne. There are other foods and similar related foods that can fight acne to a similar effect. Below are the 10 foods that can prevent acne at their root cause.

1.) Cucumbers and Cabbage

Cucumbers, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Parsley, Lettuce, and various other foods that contain high water absorption can help increase the water intake in your system. Increasing water intake is advised as it's recommend to drink 8 glasses of water a day for a successful acne diet. These foods also contain vitamins and nutrients which help in the prevention and reducing of acne.

2.) Green Tea

Green tea can help cleanse the body and adds polyphenols that help strengthen cells. All these properties of green tea aid just like water in cleaning the body/organs and preventing/reducing acne.

3.) Plain Yogurt

This does not include flavored yogurt or vanilla yogurt. As many flavored yogurt contain refined sugar that can have acne causing properties to contract the probiotics in the yogurt.

By having plain yogurt with an antioxidant fruit you can include a probiotic and antioxidant in one serving. By having plain yogurt with fruit you can have two prevention methods for acne in one.

4.) Green Vegetables

Lettuce, Artichokes, Spinach, and other similar green vegetables are known to aid in the prevention of acne. These foods contain Vitamin A which is necessary in a balanced diet and should be incorporated each day.

5.) Whole grains

Whole grain cereal, bread and other whole grain foods can help prevent acne compared to alternatives. These foods also contain zinc which can also aid in preventing acne and assist in reducing acne scars. This is not a complete fix for acne scarring though.

6.) Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish that contains Omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent acne. They can also reduce obesity when consuming foods high in omega-3 fatty acids and help prevent cancer growth.

Some foods that contain high amounts of % daily value of omega-3 fatty acids are walnuts, salmon, sardines, soybeans, shrimp, halibut, and tofu. By incorporating many of these foods we can gain many health benefits as a result.

7.) Broccoli

Along with containing a wide array of vitamins (including Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K) it also is considered an anti-oxidant and can be an agent help fight/reduce acne. Broccoli is one of the greatest vegetables in preventing and reducing acne breakouts. It wouldn't hurt to eat at least a serving once a day.

8.) Garlic Cloves

Incorporating garlic into meals has been shown to reduce current acne and prevent it to some extent. This does not include garlic powder or garlic salt as it is not pure garlic and can contain other acne causing agents.

9.) Lemons and Lemon Juice

When lemon juice is added to water it can help cleanse the body and organs. Lemons citric acids can help deep clean the bacteria in pores. It can also aid in preventing acne as well as slightly reduce it.

Another benefit is that lemon juice applied directly to acne scars can help reduce the scarring. Lemons are the natural cure-all to fighting, preventing, and reducing acne scarring.

10.) Foods high in Anti-oxidants

Monday, April 1, 2013

Types of Acne and Its Causes

What is Acne?

Acne is referred to as skin abnormality or a skin disease, where a group of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and papules occurs on skin. Our skin contains pores, which are connected to oil glands. An oily liquid known as Sebum is produced by the glands. These glands carry dead cells through follicles to our skin surface. As a result, when follicles are blocked, a pimple is grown on the skin surface that results in developing of oil under the skin.

Acne is a common disease that is mostly founded among teenagers or youngsters and adults. Acne can be easily formed on any part of your body, but major affected places are face, neck and upper back. Removing acne from your skin can take a lot of time and medications. At several occasions, acne results in embarrassing conditions like excessive oil on your skin.

Itching, open wounds from friction and painful pimples are common complaints among the acne patients. It is highly recommended by dermatologists or skin specialists that a person should not prick the pimples, as it may result in scar or empty holes on your skin.